Resolutions of Railroad Workers United

At our Founding Convention in 2008, RWU adopted various resolutions on a wide variety of subjects of concern to railroad workers and the labor movement in general. At each subsequent Convention, we have adopted additional resolutions. In addition, the RWU Steering Committee takes up various questions between Conventions and adopts resolutions as necessary.

Resolutions Adopted at the 2024 Convention

RWU Resolution on Common Contract Expiration Dates May Day 2028


Resolutions Adopted between 2022 and 2024 Convention

RWU Resolution in Support of Public Ownership of the Rail Industry (Updated 4-3-24)

RWU Resolution on Hazardous Substances Near Schools

RWU Resolution in Support of Safe Train Length & Braking

RWU Resolution in Opposition to the Proposed CP-KCS Merger

RWU Resolution Calling for Solidarity with UPS Workers

RWU Resolution in Support of Continued Public Ownership of the Cincinnati Southern Railway

RWU Resolution Calling for Solidarity with UAW Workers 

RWU Resolution Calling for Universal Coordinated Bargaining & A Robust Contract Campaign

RWU Resolution on Common Contract Expiration Dates May Day 2028

RWU Resolution Against Autonomous ‘Pod Trains’

Resolutions Adopted at the 2022 Convention

RWU Resolution in Support of Passenger Rail Expansion

RWU Resolution in Opposition to Any and All Concessions

Resolutions Adopted between 2020 & 2022 Convention

RWU Resolution in Support of Amtrak Daily Service

RWU Resolution on U.S. Elections

RWU Resolution in Support of Solutionary Rail

RWU Resolution on Rail Improvement and Development

RWU Resolution on National Rail Strike

RWU Resolution on Berkshire Hathaway and BNSF Leadership Failures

RWU Resolution Calling for DOT Action on Rail Safety

Resolutions Adopted between 2018 & 2020 Convention

RWU Resolution in Support of the Amtrak National Network

RWU Resolution in Support of a Green New Deal

RWU Resolution in Opposition to Precision Scheduled Railroading

RWU Resolution in Support of a Paid Holiday for All Railroaders on MLK Day

RWU Resolution in Opposition to Intervention in Venezuela

RWU Resolution in Support of Blackjewel Miners

RWU Resolution in Support of Auto Workers On Strike at GM

RWU Resolution on Coronavirus and the Railroad

Resolutions Adopted at the 6th Convention - 2018

RWU Resolution in Support of a Mass RWU Sustainers Drive

RWU Resolution in Support of a Rail Safety Coalition

RWU Resolution in Opposition to the Criminalization of Workers

RWU Resolution in Support of Electronically Controlled Pneumatic Brakes

RWU Resolution in Support of All Craft Unity in Bargaining

RWU Resolution in Support of PTC Implementation

Resolutions Adopted between 2016 & 2018 Convention

RWU Resolution in Support of Verizon Strikers

RWU Resolution on Solidarity with UK Rail Workers

RWU Resolution in Support of Doro Chiba and KCTU

RWU Resolution Against the Dakota Access Pipeline

RWU Resolution in Support of Universal Unionization

RWU Resolution Against Fascism, Nazism & White Supremacy

RWU Resolution on Sleep Apnea

RWU Resolution in Opposition to "Right-to-Work"

RWU Resolution in Support of Cuban Workers and Unions

RWU Resolution in Support of a Rail Worker - Rail Advocates Alliance

Resolutions Adopted at the 5th Convention - 2016

RWU Resolution of Support for a $15-an-Hour Minimum Wage

RWU Resolution on the 2016 U.S. Elections

RWU Resolution on Autonomy & Independence

RWU Resolution in Support of an Economic “Just Transition”

RWU Resolution in Opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership

RWU Resolution on Solidarity with Other Worker and Social Movements

RWU Resolution in Support of Railroad Worker Whistleblowers

RWU Resolution in Opposition to a CP Takeover of NS

Resolutions Adopted between 2014 & 2016 Convention

RWU Resolution on Train Crew Fatigue

RWU Resolution on Single Employee Crews - 3/2/15

RWU Resolution on Improved Track Maintenance

RWU Resolution on Regulation of Inward Facing Cameras

RWU Resolution of Support for Charged Railroad Workers

RWU Resolution on Autonomy & Independence

Resolutions Adopted at the 4th Convention - 2014

RWU Resolution in Support of Limits & Restrictions on Cab Cameras

RWU Resolution in Support of Ongoing Training & Education

RWU Resolution to Diversify RWU Membership

RWU Resolution to Expand RWU Throughout North America into Canada & Mexico

RWU Resolution in Support of Dignity & Respect

Resolutions Adopted Between 2012 & 2014 Conventions

RWU Resolution in Support of Chicago Teachers’ Strike

RWU Resolution in Support of CP Strikers

RWU Resolution Opposed to Extended Locomotives Inspections Period

RWU Resolution of Support for Fired Whistleblower

RWU Resolution in Support of UP Dispatchers

RWU Resolution in Support of Mobile Rail Solutions Workers 

RWU Resolution in Support of Limits to Length & Tonnage of Trains

Resolutions Adopted at the 3rd Convention - 2012

RWU Resolution in Support of Organizing Crew Van Drivers

Resolution in Support of Locomotive Builders & Union Standards

RWU Resolution in Opposition to Discriminatory Bargaining

RWU Resolution on the 2012 U.S. Elections

Resolution on Rail Labor Union Leadership Action

RWU Resolution In Support of ILWU

Resolutions Adopted Between 2010 & 2012 Conventions

RWU Resolution supporting ILWU

RWU resolution in support of #OCCUPY

RWU Resolution in support of the efforts of Occupy Los Angeles

RWU Resolution in support of May Day Actions

RWU Resolution Condemning the Use of the Military to Support Scabbing

Resolutions Adopted at the 2nd Convention - 2010

RWU Resolution on One-Member-One-Vote

RWU Resolution in Support of Borax Workers

RWU Resolution on the Smart Take-Over

RWU Resolution on Limiting Union Officials Compensation

RWU Resolution Against Inward Facing Cameras

RWU Resolutions Condemning Top-Down Unionism

Resolutions Adopted Between the 2008 and 2010 Convention

RWU Resolution Opposing Bonus Schemes

RWU Safety Resolution on Building Real Rail Safety

RWU Resolution on Necessary Changes to Railroad Retirement

RWU Resolution of Support for Furloughed Rail Employees

RWU Resolution to Oppose Single Employee Operating Crews

RWU Resolution in Support of A National March on Washington

RWU Resolution in Opposition to Crew Monitoring Cameras

Resolutions Adopted at the RWU Founding Convention - April 11, 2008

RWU Chapter Resolution 4/11/08

RWU Contracting Out Resolution 4/11/08

RWU Coordinated Bargaining Resolution 4/11/08

RWU Crew Fatigue Resolution 4/11/08

RWU Diversity Resolution 4/11/08

RWU Emergency Wage Re-Opener Resolution 4/11/08

RWU Iraq War Resolution 4/11/08

RWU Resolution on RCO and PTC 4/11/08

RWU North American Rail Solidarity Resolution 4/11/08 (Spanish version here)

RWU Self Help Activity Resolution 4/11/08

RWU Single Payer Universal Health Care Resolution 4/11/08

RWU Universal Solidarity Resolution 4/11/08