Organizational Support for Public Ownership of the Railroads
Below is an incomplete listing of organizations that have signed on to the Campaign to date. Many others are in the process of formulating Resolutions and Statements. Check back soon for a more complete listing of organizations. NOTE: Those hyper-linked in red include the formal organizational statement of support and/or link to the organization’s official website. Click to read.
List your organizational support by signing HERE
AFSCME 3800 - University of Minnesota Clerical Workers
Baltimore Club-CPUSA
Climate and Community Project
Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW)
Colorado 350
Communist Party USA, Ohio District
Democratic Socialists of America
Dorothy Day Labor Forum
Fenceline Watch
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) General Membership Branches (Greater Chicago; Whatcome-Skagit; Bay Area; NE Ohio; Milwaukee, Upstate New York)
International Longshore & Warehouse Union (ILWU) - Northern California District Council (10 local unions)
International Longshore & Warehouse Union (ILWU) - Local 19 (Seattle)
Inspired to Move
Labor Campaign for Single Payer Healthcare
Labor Network for Sustainability
Labor Resource Center - University of Massachusetts - Boston
Labor United Educational League
Nevada State Association of Letter Carriers
New Orleans Southern Workers Alliance
Northern Nevada Central Labor Council
Ohio Peace Council
Organized Workers for Labor Solidarity (OWLS)
People's Response Network (PRN)
Piedmont Local, Socialist Party USA
Purdue Northwest chapter of the American Association of University Professors
Rails, Inc. of Albuquerque, NM
Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local #509
Service Employees International Union (SEIU) District 1199 West Virginia - Kentucky - Ohio
Sociologists for Peace, Human Survival, and Social Justice
STAND.EARTH - Delivering large-scale solutions to climate and environmental problems worldwide
Sustainable Earth Council (SEC)
System Change, Not Climate Change - Bay Area, CA
Truckers Movement for Justice (TMJ)
Unions for Single Payer Health Care
United Steel Workers (USW) Local #1527 Milwaukee, WI
USC Environmental Student Assembly
Vermont State Labor Council, AFL-CIO
Western PA Coalition for Single Payer Healthcare
Wisconsin Bail Out the People Movement = Bail Out People, Not Banks!
Women for Racial and Economic Equality (WREE)
Women In Time Change History