Sustainers or Lifetime Membership:

  • Sustainers

    Please consider becoming an RWU SUSTAINER. All it takes is for you to donate a small amount each month to RWU. Or you can make your contribution tax deductible by making it to our 501c3 tax-exempt sister entity - Railroad Workers Education & Legal Defense Foundation (RWF).

    Your decision to become an RWU SUSTAINER will assist us to grow and expand our efforts well beyond their current level. Your small but recurring donation will help propel Railroad Workers United to the forefront of the railroad workers' rank & file movement.

    Click here to be directed to Square and use a credit card without going through through PayPal.

  • Eugene V. Debs- Lifetime Membership

    With a $1000 one-time gift, you become a Lifetime Member of Railroad Workers United, and you never have to renew your membership or pay dues again. Lifetime members who are working or retired railroaders, or who are family of a railroader, have full membership voting privileges. Lifetime members unaffiliated with the railroad retain non-voting, solidarity status. NOTE: When filling out the application at the button below, make sure to click the correct box, “Voting Member - Lifetime” or Solidarity Member - Lifetime.