RWU Committees

Railroad Workers United is engaged in a number of ongoing tasks. We produce a quarterly newsletter, maintain a Website and Facebook Page, issue Press Releases, respond to media inquiries, issue Alerts when rail workers are killed on the job and run a number of campaigns. To carry out this work, we have established a number of Standing Committees, Special Reps and Liaisons.In addition, as the need arises, we create Special Committees, whose work has defined time limits such as the Convention Committee.

All RWU Committees, Liaisons and Special Reps report to the RWU International Steering Committee (ISC), which meets monthly. A Committee that meets or otherwise conducts business during the course of the month will report on its activities at the next monthly or special ISC meeting meeting. “Action items” (e.g. financial expenditures) require a vote of support of the ISC.

All RWU Members in good standing are highly encouraged to play an active role in one or more Committees. Please see the listing below for a description of each along with current member assignments (as of 6-21-19). If you would like to be assigned to a Committee, please contact the Committee Chair or RWU the General Secretary at or 202-798-3327.